FORTRAN Programs for "Atmospheric Convection"

The programs in this directory are provided free of charge for use with the textbook "Atmospheric Convection", published by Oxford University Press.

In order to receive possible updates and other information, kindly send an email message to stating that you are using one or more of the programs, and listing your own email address.

I have made an attempt to write these programs in standard FORTRAN 77, but several of the programs make use of NCAR graphics subroutines. Other graphics packages may be substituted. Each program is accompanied by an ASCII help file labelled *.hlp.

I am the author of all of the programs in this directory, except for part of the routine conrad.f, which contains the radiation code of M.-D. Chou of the Goddard Space Flight Center, to whom I am grateful for permission to use his code. Moreover, many students in my MIT class on atmospheric convection contributed to some of the programs.

Please report any problem you encounter to me at Thank you. Kerry A. Emanuel, December, 1993

Download all the files in the ftp directory which you can now access by clicking here