amz 9/27/09 The only matlatb file you should edit is wxchallenge_edit_me.m. Instructions are included in that file. If you chose to run the bash script, check to make sure the path is correct for the directory where the matlab files are. You can either run the script manually from a matlab prompt, by typing >> wxchallenge_edit_me or you can run a bash script % bash In the case of the latter, a text file update_wx_result.txt will be output and will display the reason (if any) the matlab script crashed. The filename of the output figure is obs_temps.png. The code may not work if you try to run between 12 a.m. (midnight) and 1 a.m. local time for that station. The code may not work if you set your start date to be in the future. It is highly suggested that you set up a crontab which automatically executes the bash script each morning. 5 a.m. is a good time, as it is outside of the 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. local time window for any city in the continental US.