

Tropical Meteorology


 Kerry Emanuel, Instructor











Course Outline (pdf file of outline below)


Lecture Notes (incomplete)


PowerPoint Part 1       PowerPoint Part 2       PowerPoint Part 3 (caution: 20 mb file)


PowerPoint Part 4       PowerPoint Part 5       PowerPoint Part 6


PowerPoint Part 7       PowerPoint Part 8       PowerPoint Part 9 (caution: 24 mb file)


PowerPoint Part 10     PowerPoint Part 11     PowerPoint Part 12


PowerPoint Part 13     PowerPoint Part 14     PowerPoint Part15


PowerPoint Part 16     PowerPoint Part 17     PowerPoint Part 18


Possible Term Paper Topics 


Problem Sets


          Problem Set 1 (due February 16th)


          Problem Set 2 (due March 12th)


          Problem Set 3 (due April 2nd)


          Problem Set 4 (due April 23rd)


          Problem Set 5 (due May 11th)




Plot soundings on skew T diagrams and make buoyancy plots


Run a two-dimensional PE model for Hadley, monsoon and tropical equatorial phenomena


(start by reading readme.pdf)


MATLAB script for plotting out Matsuno modes


Notes, FORTRAN program, and Matlab script for Gill Problem


                   Notes on the Gill Model

                   Help File





          Notes, FORTRAN program, and Matlab script for reduced model of the Tropics


                   Notes on the model





Plot historical hurricane tracks


Notes, FORTRAN program, and Matlab script for simple coupled hurricane model


          Readme file







          Hadley Circulation


                   Held and Hou, 1980    Lindzen and Hou, 1988        Plumb and Hou, 1992


                   Emanuel, 1995            Pauluis, 2004




Emanuel et al., (1994)                    Sobel and Bretherton, 2000




Plumb and Hou, 1992          Molnar and Emanuel, 1999           Emanuel, 1995


Chou, Neelin and Su, 2001 Rodwell and Hoskins, 2001


          Intraseasonal Variability


                   Online tutorial by Roland Madden          Madden and Julian, 1972    Wheeler and Kiladis, 1999


                   CalTech Review Paper, 2005       Animated 200 hPa velocity potential from the CPC


                   Analyses and forecasts of 200 hPa velocity potential, from CPC


          El Niño/Southern Oscillation


                   E. Tziperman Lecture notes 1       E. Tziperman Lecture notes 2       E. Tziperman Lecture notes 3


                   E. Tziperman bibliography             NOAA El Niño Theme Page


          Easterly Waves


                   Reed et al. 1977 (seminal paper) Reed and Recker 1971 (Western Pacific waves)


                   Diedhiou et al. 2001                       Grist et al. 2002                               Pytharoulis and Thorncoft 1999


                   Thorncroft and Hodges 2001        Petersen et al 2003 (Eastern North Pacific)


          Tropical Cyclones


Annual Reviews article on Tropical Cyclones                   Geosystems Hurricane Module Syllabus


Paper on tropical cyclone structure (see section 3) Emanuel (1995)


Useful Links


Daily hurricane potential intensity maps


U.S. Navy real-time hurricane page (great satellite photos)


Real-time hurricane track and intensity forecasts


Access to global tropical cyclone data







1.      Radiative-Convective Equilibrium

1.1.   General principles of radiative transfer

1.2.   Simple models without phase change

1.3.   General principles of moist convection

1.4.   Simple models with phase change

1.5.   Quantitative assessments of the equilibrium state - comparisons to observations


2.      The Zonally-Averaged Circulation

2.1.   The observed climatology

2.2.   Breakdown of the radiative-convective equilibrium state

2.3.   Dry theory

2.4.   Moist theory

2.5.   Regulation of intensity


3.      Asymmetric Steady Circulations

3.1.   Monsoons

3.1.1. Development and onset of the Asian monsoon

3.1.2. Monsoon breaks

3.1.3. Nonlinear, asymmetric theory

3.2.   The Walker Circulation

3.2.1. Observations

3.2.2. Theory


4.      Intraseasonal Oscillations

5.1.   Observations

5.2.   GCM simulations

5.3.   Theory of equatorial waves

5.3.1. Dry

5.3.2. Moist

5.1.   WISHE

5.2.   Cloud-radiation interactions and ISOs


5.      Interannual Fluctuations of the Walker Circulation – ENSO

4.1.   Observed behavior

4.2.   Theory and modeling of ENSO


6.       Higher Frequency Disturbances

6.1.    Monsoon depressions

6.2.    Equatorial waves

6.3.    Easterly waves


7.      Tropical Cyclones

7.1.   Structure and climatology

7.2.   Steady-state physics

7.3.   Genesis

7.4.   Ocean interaction